Pro-Palestinian protesters in London call Hamas 'freedom fighters'

‘The continuing existence of Israel is a war crime’: Pro-Palestinian protesters reveal what they really think as they call Hamas ‘freedom fighters’ ahead of Armistice Day march

Pro-Palestinian protesters in London called Hamas ‘freedom fighters’ and described Israel’s continuing existence as ‘a war crime’ in shocking footage released ahead of tomorrow’s Armistice Day march. 

Activists at the rally on November 4 denied that Hamas were terrorists despite them being a proscribed terror group in the UK – meaning it is a criminal offence to declare support for it.

Among those interviewed by Jewish charity Campaign Against Antisemitism (CAA) was one woman who said: ‘It’s controversial but I think Hamas are freedom fighters.’

When asked if the UK has made the wrong decision by making Hamas a proscribed terror organisation, another woman said: ‘Of course. It’s not Hamas that are terrorists. It’s America that are terrorists. Israel are terrorists, not Hamas.’

A third said: ‘Honestly, it showed signs, it was resistance against the occupation against the Palestinians. Honestly it was a beacon of hope for me. To me, it was them fighting back and showing resistance.’ Another raging activist said: ‘The continued existence of Israel is a war crime.’

And in more support for Hamas, a protester claimed: ‘They are freedom fighters. They are not terrorists as the media portrays them to be. They are fighting for the right to their land. It’s their land. They have the right to self-defence and they are not terrorists. They are absolutely not.’

Hamas terrorists broke into Israel on October 7, slaughtering 1,400 people and taking 240 hostages in a rampage that shocked the world. Israel has vowed to wipe out Hamas and Palestinian officials have said 10,569 people have been killed. 

This woman said of the October 7 Hamas attacks: ‘It’s controversial but I think Hamas are freedom fighters.’

Another pro-Palestine activist said that the ‘continued existence of Israel’ was a ‘war crime’ 

This activist said that Hamas launching its barbaric attack was ‘a beacon of hope for me’

This woman said that Hamas are not terrorists but America and Israel are

The CAA also spoke to two students at the protest who admitted they ‘need to be more clued up’ about the Israel-Hamas conflict and even confessed to not being aware that Hamas was behind the massacre on October 7. 

In footage shared on Twitter, the interviewer stops the girls and asks: ‘When Hamas invaded Israel on October 7, what was your initial reaction to that?’

The woman on the left, holding up a home-made sign condemning the British Government, replies: ‘I don’t believe they did, did they?’

READ MORE – More than half a million pro-Palestinian protesters will march in London on Armistice Day, organisers say 

Looking at her friend for reassurance, she asks: ‘Hamas?’ But her friend on the right replies: ‘I think so?’

She continues: ‘Honestly I think I need to be a bit more clued up on everything that’s going on. So I feel like I’m not really qualified to answer that too well.’

Despite bloody evidence of men, women and children being murdered and captured by Hamas, the woman on the left adds: ‘I mean, I’m not sure if I’ve seen anything that shows that that’s actually happened or that’s correct.’ 

The camera filming then pans around to her home-made sign, with cut-out images and drawings, reading: ‘Rishi, Keir, U must be invertebrates cause ur spineless! Call 4 a ceasefire’.

A spokesman for the CAA said: ‘This footage showcases the toxic combination of ignorance and support for terrorism that motivates too many of the protesters on these marches. 

‘Is it any surprise that opinions such as these, accompanied by genocidal chanting, anti-Semitic signage and calls for violence, are terrifying the Jewish community? 

‘Worse still, the demonstrations are coming just after the worst anti-Semitic atrocity since the Holocaust, when Jews are feeling particularly vulnerable. 

Despite holding up a home-made sign condemning the British government, the women admitted they weren’t sure the Hamas attacks happened

The woman on the left said she ‘not seen anything that shows’ Hamas invaded Israel on October 7. The woman on the right said she needs to be ‘more clued up’ on the conflict

The activists were marching at the November 4 London protest. Pictured: People protest in support of Gaza on November 4 in Trafalgar Square

‘This is why we have called on the police to use their existing powers under Section 13 of the Public Order Act to ban these marches. London cannot continue to be a no-go zone for Jewish people week after week.’ 

READ MORE – Keir Starmer braces for Labour revolt on Gaza in Commons vote next week as he again dismisses calls for immediate ceasefire 

Outraged social media users also showed their dismay at the comments made by the protesters.

One wrote: ‘Shocking. The girls who don’t know if Hamas attacked Israel are embarrassing.’

A second posted: ‘I’m not sure whether to laugh or cry or be in shock. I wish I was in total disbelief that people in the UK could say these things….but I no longer am. It’s shameful!!’

A third commented: ‘Can’t believe, what I am hearing.’

And a fourth added: ‘Pure ignorance.’ 

The October 7 attacks saw Hamas fire a barrage of rockets from Gaza and send fighters across the border.

More than 270 bodies, mostly young people, were strewn across the site of a music festival in a Negev desert kibbutz after Hamas attackers used paragliders to cross the border and fire indiscriminately into the crowd. 

At a nearby kibbutz in southern Israel, Hamas terrorists massacred at least 40 babies and young children, before reportedly beheading some of them and gunning down their families.

Israeli festivalgoers run for their lives through the desert after being warned of an incoming rocket attack just as Hamas invaded the country on October 7

Noa Argamani who was kidnapped by Hamas fighters after being manhandled on a motorbike and driven across the desert

The Hamas-run health ministry says that a month of retaliatory bombardment by Israel on Gaza has killed more than 10,500 Palestinians.

Organisers predict that more than half a million pro-Palestine protesters will march in London on Armistice Day – with the Met Police drafting in 1,000 reinforcements to protect remembrance events. 

READ MORE – Demonstrators blockade weapons manufacturer BAE Systems site in protest over Israel-Hamas war 

The Stop the War coalition said coach companies across the country are reporting that all their vehicles are fully booked, with waiting lists in some areas.

John Rees, from the group, said the protest in London will be ‘truly historic’, exceeding the half a million he believes joined a previous protest in the capital.

‘We are convinced it will be the biggest demonstration so far over Palestine,’ he said. ‘Our local groups up and down the country have reported they’ve sold out of seats on hundreds of coaches.’

Lindsey German, the group’s convenor, said: ‘Our local groups in towns and cities across the UK, along with coach companies, are telling us that every one of their coaches have been booked to bring people to London. 

This is comparable only to two million strong protest against the Iraq War in 2003.’

Lindsey German, the group’s convenor, said: ‘Our local groups in towns and cities across the UK, along with coach companies, are telling us that every one of their coaches have been booked to bring people to London. This is comparable only to two million strong protest against the Iraq War in 2003.’

Organisers have predicted that half a million pro-Palestine protesters will march in London on Armistice Day. Pictured is a march last Saturday 

Sir Mark said officers would ‘protect locations and events of national importance at all costs’. Pictured: Police officers guard ‘The Cenotaph’ on October 28

Police guarding the Cenotaph this morning. The Met has vowed to ‘protect locations and events of national importance at all costs’

Met Police chief Sir Mark Rowley has refused to ban the controversial rally, saying he legally had ‘no power’ to stop it. 

It is being held on the same day that a two-minute silence will take place at the Cenotaph. 

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While march organisers have vowed not to go near the monument, there are fears splinter groups could clash with football hooligans who have vowed to ‘defend’ it. 

Sir Mark said his officers would ‘protect locations and events of national importance at all costs’.

He said he could not ban Saturday’s demonstration simply because people felt it should not take place.

‘The laws created by Parliament are clear. There is no absolute power to ban protest, therefore there will be a protest this weekend,’ he insisted.

‘The law provides no mechanism to ban a static gathering of people. 

‘It contains legislation which allows us to impose conditions to reduce disruption and the risk of violence, and in the most extreme cases when no other tactics can work, for marches or moving protests to be banned.’

Sir Mark said organisers of Saturday’s march had shown ‘complete willingness to stay away from the Cenotaph and Whitehall and have no intention of disrupting the nation’s remembrance events’.

‘Should this change, we’ve been clear we will use powers and conditions available to us to protect locations and events of national importance at all costs,’ he said.

Gangs of football hooligans have said they are planning to ‘team up’ and ‘protect’ the Cenotaph from pro-Palestine protesters this weekend.

Demonstrators waving Palestine flags in Trafalgar Square during last Saturday’s protest 

Police officers detain a protestor during a ‘March For Palestine’, in London on November 4 

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