Astrologer shares Chinese zodiac sign that does better than others

Everybody has their strengths, but do some people just succeed more than others, and have luck fall into their laps?

According to an astrologer at Your Chinese Astrology, there is one Chinese zodiac sign that is “most prestigious” – Dragon.

This means that these people (born in 2024, 2012, 2000, 1988, 1976, 1964 or 1952) inspire the respect and admiration of others. More often than not they also have a high status.

The astrologer said: “For the same word or deed, Dragons always do better than others in a more magnificent way since they are more prestigious than others.”

This might mean as children they stand out at school and as adults at work. You might also find they are the most confident people in your social circle.

READ MORE: Astrologer shares ‘most hated’ zodiac sign – they are ‘manipulative’

The astrologer also suggested that Dragon is a leader rather than a follower. It would not be surprising if your boss was born in the Year of the Dragon.

“In a group, the Dragon people tend to play the leading role and stand out with their good temperament.”

Dragon’s main strengths are their vitality, ambition and honesty. They are also super self-aware and a great planner.

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As for their weaknesses, Dragon can be a little obsessed with success. 

While this sign often achieves greatness, they sometimes let the desire for greatness take them over.

Because Dragon has such fantastic qualities and is so highly respected by others, this can make them somewhat “arrogant” and unwilling to listen to others’ perspectives.

Each Chinese zodiac sign’s strongest quality:

  • Rat – most insightful
  • Ox – most kind-hearted
  • Tiger – best planner
  • Rabbit – most enduring
  • Dragon – most prestigious
  • Snake – most graceful
  • Horse – most vigorous 
  • Sheep – most talented
  • Monkey – most capable of recovery 
  • Rooster – most artistic
  • Dog – most adaptable 
  • Pig – most explosive

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