Rubbish is high in front garden of Birmingham property

Worst neighbours ever? Festering pile of rubbish is seen outside Birmingham house sparking row with locals who are ‘tired of the situation’

  •  A Birmingham house is turning heads due to it’s huge pile of rubbish outside
  •  The residents of the property are facing legal action over the dumping ground

Residents at a house in Birmingham are sparking a row due to the enormous growing pile of rubbish in its front garden.

The ground is nowhere in sight, instead the grass area has become a dumping ground for everything from plastic chairs to tennis rackets to duvets.

Garbage is piled so high at the Handsworth property that it’s begun to spill over onto the footpath – clothes, pint glasses and even a shopping trolley have been abandoned.

The residents of the property are facing legal action over the festering pile of junk, Birmingham Live have reported.

Despite previously being cleaned by the housing association, who owns the site, the rubbish keeps piling back up again.

Garbage is piled so high at the Handsworth property that it’s begun to spill over onto the footpath – clothes, pint glasses and even a shopping trolley have been abandoned

The house is located on Holyhead Road, where properties in the area are worth between £166,000- £250,000.

Locals claim the waste had been removed from the home where a man and woman, aged roughly in their 60s lived around a year ago. 

However, more rubbish keeps mysteriously appearing in it’s place.

Midland Heart, which manages the property explained that several clearings had taken place and it has now launched legal action against the tenants. 

A nearby resident, Nasra Mohamed, 54, told Birmingham Live she’s ‘so very tired’ of the situation.

She complained that they can’t open the windows on a hot day due to the smell and they’re getting a lot of ants come into their property.

When asked about the resident of the home, the neighbour added that she ‘is a nice woman who lives there – but nothing changes.’

Allegedly the back garden is no different and is also piled high with junk – multiple neighbours have complained, claiming that the situation has been like this for five years.

A nearby resident and mum-of-five Nasra Mohamed, 54, told Birmingham Live she’s ‘so very tired’ of the situation

Midland Heart, which manages the property, said several clearances of the affected area had previously taken place – but it said it had now launched legal action against the tenants

Residents are also worried that the damp rubbish could be a fire hazard.

Vicki Brownhill, the head of housing management at Midland Heart, added: ‘We fully understand the impact this has had on the local community and have been working with our tenant to help address these issues for some time. 

‘We have already completed several clearances of the affected area and tried to facilitate conversations to improve relationships in the area to find a long-term solution for everyone.

‘Unfortunately, this has not been as successful as we hoped and as a result we have had to as a last resort start appropriate legal action.’

BirminghamLive reported that they made repeated attempts to contact the tenants at the home, who were unavailable for comment. 

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