Paedophile teacher Kandice Barber punished over affair with convict

Female paedophile teacher has prison privileges revoked after being caught sneaking off for ‘secret trysts’ with her new convict lover while on day release

  • Kandice Barber met Jay Delaney at East Sutton Park Women’s Open Prison 

A paedophile teacher jailed for having sex with one of her pupils has now been banned from prison release after being caught meeting up for secret liaisons with her new convict lover.

Kandice Barber, who sent a 15-year-old boy explicit pictures before having sex with him in a field, struck up a relationship with convicted fraudster Jay Delaney after the pair met inside an open women’s prison, the Mail exclusively revealed last week. 

The 37-year-old, who has served almost half of her six-year sentence, told pals she has found love in Delaney, who was jailed for five years in April 2022 after stealing her friends’ life savings to the tune of £388,000.

Both were on Release on Temporary Licence (ROTL) in preparation for returning them to useful roles in society, with sources saying they have plans to live together when Delaney is released from prison.

However, the Ministry of Justice has now suspended them both from the temporary release programme after they used it to organise meet-ups. 

Kandice Barber, left, and new lover convicted fraudster Jay Delaney, have been pictured posing for selfies during Barber’s work release from prison 

Now mother-of-three Barber was believed to be taking advantage of their less restricted regimes to meet up with Delaney on her way to and from her job working on a construction site in Hounslow 

The loved up couple posed for selfies together in the street while on release 

A Prison Service spokesperson said: ‘We are investigating these photographs and the prisoners involved have been suspended from release on temporary licence.

‘Prisoners found breaking the rules will be punished.’

Now mother-of-three Barber was believed to have been taking advantage of their less restricted regimes to meet up with Delaney on her way to and from her job working on a construction site in Hounslow – even posing for selfies in the street. 

A source told the Sun they had been seen cuddling and holding hands on walks to and from work, and sneaking off for secret trysts.

READ MORE HERE: Ex-husband of Kandice Barber describes how he had to move on from the heartbreak and humiliation after she was jailed for six years

They said: ‘Kandice is only allowed out to go to work – but she and her new partner have been meeting up in secret.

‘They’ve been meeting up on her way to work and her way home.

‘It’s frustrating that she’s still in prison but they’re now meeting up for, you know, ‘time together’ shall we say.

‘They’ve been taking pictures together and talking about their future together.’

It is reported that the pair have taken pictures of themselves outside London Bridge station and Maidstone East station, and have asked permission to go on days out together, but these have been denied so far.

The pair are staying at East Sutton Park Women’s Open Prison, near Maidstone in Kent, and are understood to have been in a relationship for seven months. 

Barber was condemned by a judge as ‘beyond despicable’ when she jailed in 2021 for having unlawful sex with the impressionable youngster.

Barber, pictured, is currently on Release on Temporary Licence (ROTL) with the aim of returning her to a useful role in society

Delaney, pictured, is serving a five-year prison sentence after conning her friends out of their life savings

Kandice Barber, pictured, was jailed for six-and-a-half years for seducing a 15-year-old boy and having sex with him in a field

The teacher, who worked at a school in Princess Risborough, Bucks, flirted with the boy, sending sexually charged messages during a school assembly.

The blonde bombarded him with messages, including one where she asked him ‘do you like boobs or bum?’ – and sent him a photo of herself on a bed surrounded by sex toys.

She was found out after a topless picture she had sent her victim was passed to the headteacher of their school.

The mother of three’s new choice of partner shocked inmates and staff at East Sutton.

The source told MailOnline last week: ‘Delaney is slight and wears her hair in a boyish style, when they started their relationship people were saying she must be Barber’s type.

‘They spend most of their time together when they are not on ROTL. It’s been going on for around seven months and they discuss being a family when they are on the outside.

‘Barber gets to go home and go to work. She’ll get for four nights every two weeks to have access to her kids and also has six days out per month when she is working on a job she’s found by the authorities.

The paedophile teacher has struck up a relationship with conwoman Jay Delaney, pictured right, while behind bars

‘She isn’t in much but when she is she is with Delaney. They openly kiss, cuddle and hold hands and appear 100% in love, they make no attempt to hide their relationship.

‘I was told that they had been sharing a cell together but officers found out and moved them.’

Barber was recently moved away from the prison-appointed job she had been found as a security guard on a building site in Hounslow, west London.

READ MORE HERE:  Teacher who was jailed for having sex with 15-year-old male pupil is moved from prison release job as construction site security guard – so she doesn’t distract workers

There was a rebellion among the workforce when her shameful past was discovered and she was moved from the site near Heathrow Airport.

Prior to being moved she is said to have loved working on the site.

One builder said: ‘She’s attractive looking, so she’s already proving a hit with the lads, who have no idea about her background.

‘It’s no secret she’s a massive flirt and lots of the staff there have already noticed her.’

Whilst she has been in jail, Barber’s husband Danny, 40, has moved on with a new girlfriend who is expecting their baby.

It would have left her a single mother to three children, who were 10,14 and 16 at the time of her crimes.

But Delaney is prepared to take on some of the family responsibilities when she’s able to join Barber, who is expected to be released early next year.

Her case caused revulsion in the teaching profession after the court heard how she had threatened the boy if he told of their affair.

Jay Delaney, pictured, stole from her victims by claiming to run a get rich quick scheme between 2015 and 2020

Jailing her at Aylesbury Crown Court, Recorder Bal Dhaliwal said Barber had ‘acted in gross breach of trust’ and had taken ‘advantage of a child in your care and groomed him for your own sexual gratification’.

She told the teacher: ‘The victim was a 15-year-old boy in his final year at school. You had control and authority over him. He felt drawn in by you due to the compliments, you caused him to engage in sex with you while he was a pupil in your care.

‘You threatened to take him down with you if he reported it. You already had authority over him by virtue of your position but to use threats is beyond despicable.’

READ MORE HERE:  Judge blasts ‘beyond despicable’ teacher, 35, who had outdoor sex with pupil, 15, before threatening to ‘take him down’ if he reported her 

Her new partner, from Southend, Essex, stole from her victims by claiming to run a get rich quick scheme over the course of five years from 2015 to 2020.

Delaney would tell her victims, many of whom were friends and work colleagues, that she worked for Aviva and could turn a £5,500 investment into £10,000 within a couple of years, enticing them to invest most of their life-savings into her ‘scheme’.

In fact, she would transfer the money into her own account and gamble it online.

She sobbed as she was jailed in April last year at Basildon Crown Court after admitting 38 counts of fraud.

Judge Samantha Cohen said: ‘Before 2015 you had committed no criminal offences, but between 2015 and 2020 you perpetuated a fraudulent scheme. You preyed on friends and colleagues, and you dishonestly gained almost £400,000 for your own gain. You said you worked for a company – that was a lie.

‘You offered substantial returns on people’s investments – that was a lie. Often on the investments, you perpetuated to repay them with the increased premium. That often enticed the victim to make further investments. Some of them asked their friends and family to invest in the scheme as well. I expect they feel guilty about that, but the only guilt is yours.

‘You came up with a series of excuses about your health, or a serious life-threatening illness to put them off the scent on what happened to their money. You confessed to your parents, you knew you had to go to the police but you didn’t have the strength of your character so you asked your father to do it for you. That must have been one of the toughest things he has had to do.’

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