MAFS Luke branded ‘villain’ after dropping cheating Porscha bombshell on Terrence

Married at First Sight viewers were quick to brand Luke Worley a ‘villain’, after the third explosive dinner party of the season kicked off with him dropping an awkward cheating bombshell on fellow groom Terence Edwards.

Pulling Terence on one side on Tuesday's show, 10 October, Luke told his friend that his bride Porscha had actually been kissing several other men during a recent drinks reception as part of a game of spin the bottle, sparking a huge disagreement between several of the couples over what it truly meant to cheat in a relationship.

Initially unfazed by the admission, Terence said he wouldn’t be bothered if it had simply been a kiss on the cheek during a game, however Luke then clarified that Porscha had actually been French kissing the other men, something which struck a clear chord of unease with Terence.

Confronting Porscha over the situation, the disgruntled bride appeared to be irritated that Terence had a problem with her kissing, as she dismissed it as “a game”, however she did confess she would have been annoyed if he did the same.

“You don’t class kissing as cheating?” questioned Terence.

Porscha then replied: “For me it was just a kiss between friends.”

Prompting Terence to add: “ From my point of view, if I had done that and you wasn’t there, what would you have thought?”

An irritated Porscha then concluded by saying: “If you played spin the bottle, and I wasn’t there, I would say ‘For goodness sake, Terence’ but it’s just a game. But if you were in a bedroom or an apartment somewhere kissing another woman, then definitely shoes would be off.”

Ending their discussion, the matter appeared to have been laid to rest, however it soon resurfaced when the rest of the couples weighed in on it at the dinner table – something which soon saw tempers flaring.

Over on social media however, fans were quick to condemn Luke for having brought the matter to light in the first place, as they accused the star of deliberately stirring up trouble to sow dissent among the other couples.

“Luke is just obsessed with creating drama constantly he’s the worst kind of guy,” condemned one viewer.

A second then added: “Why is Luke In everyone’s business though? Coming across as a caveman.”

A third viewer also agreed, as they commented: “Luke is a s**t stirrer, sorry. Honesty is key but he way he does it is really catty”

While a fourth fan echoed the sentiment by adding: “Luke yea, who made you in the bone collector?? You couldn’t just stay out of it?”

One viewer even felt so strongly about the situation they branded Luke a “villain” for tearing people down, rather than lifting them up, as they added: “What does Luke even have to gain from outing Porscha like that? He’s the real villain this series and Brad isn’t much better. ”

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