Amy Hart hits back at mum-shamers who rubbished her parenting skills

Amy Hart hit back at mum-shamers who slammed her for her parenting skills.

Taking to Instagram, the former Love Island star, who is mum to Stanley, seven months, with fiancé Sam Rason, revealed that opting to do "traditional weaning" instead of "baby-led weaning" has seen her subject to criticism.

She said: "I get so many messages saying, 'no you need to do baby-led weaning, he's never going to have motor skills, he's never going to be able to feed himself properly, he's never going to have pincer grab.

"But I didn't want to do baby-led weaning it's not for me, it wouldn't fit in our family. He's just had eggy bread and fed himself and picked up a bit that fell.

"So to anyone that's worried they won't get their motor skills through traditional weaning, they will do. There's obviously other ways."

The influencer has been sharing what life is like as a new mother with her fans and has previously spoken about where Stanley is up to with his weaning journey.

After their recent holiday, she told fans via an Instagram video that he's having four bottles and two main meals (breakfast and dinner) with some finger food to play with at lunch time.

Fans flocked to the comments of the post with one writing: "So adorable. Looks like Stanley is loving his food." Another added: "It's great that he's doing finger foods! Babies are very clever at managing big bits of food. Keeping the skin on things like Avocado gives a lovely grip for babies!"

A third said: "My little girl was born one week exactly after Stanley. Seeing the variety you have given to your little man has given me more confidence to try finger foods etc – thank you."

It comes after Amy revealed that her son's health issues were the cause of her first "breakdown" since becoming a mum.

The television personality, who previously froze her eggs before falling pregnant naturally last year, took to Instagram Stories to share her distress over seemingly getting nowhere with baby Stanley's "painful" skin problems.

"Stanley's skin around his neck is just so bad at the moment. His body is fine now, and his eyes are on and off OK. But his skin around his neck is so bad, and I just got really angry at the world," she told her followers on Wednesday 4 October.

"I've done everything – I've been to the GP twice, I've been to A&E. I've been to pharmacies quite literally around the world. I've spent hundreds of pounds on treatments. I've done oat baths. I've done everything."

Amy then spoke of her anger over being "fobbed off" by a number of health professionals. "Everyone just fobbed me off saying, 'He's just a rashy baby.' And it's got to the point now where he's obviously really really uncomfortable."

Amy, who is currently planning her dream wedding with her 35-year-old fiancé Sam, said she was brought to tears by the worrying condition, and that there isn't anything she hasn't tried to help improve her little boy's skin.

"It's got to the point now it's so bad. I was just crying. I was thinking about the people that are like, 'Have you tried cream?', 'Have you tried anything with his skin?' I'm like, I've tried everything!'" she continued.

"We've got an appointment with the paramedic this afternoon. I've also emailed dermatologists. We're trying everything."

"I just want him to get better. I don't want him to be in pain, it makes me very sad," the former British Airways air hostess concluded..

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