I'm at my wits end with my daughter – she makes my life a living hell | The Sun

DEAR DEIDRE: IT is a nightmare living with my daughter, who is a monster.

The worst part is she can’t even see it.

She managed to break up my last relationship with a lovely guy by creating such an awful atmosphere that he couldn’t take it any more.

She has always craved attention from her father but he only thinks about himself.

My daughter is a drama queen, storming off at the slightest thing.
Her brother and I don’t know what we’ve said to upset her half the time.

I’m 45 , my daughter is 19 and my son is 18.

The bills are sky high in our current home and I need to sell up and move to a cheaper area. But I can’t put the house on the market while her bedroom is such a tip with cigarette butts, dirty plates and filthy clothes all over the floor.

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If I ask her to tidy, she turns vile, making awful threats, slamming doors and barging past me.

If she doesn’t sort herself out, I’ll end up in terrible debt.

DEIDRE SAYS:  You’re going to have to be hard on her. She has to grow up.

She’s upset about your broken relationship but not everyone can have the fairy tale.

Explain you can’t continue and she has to buck up or she will have to find somewhere else to live. Give her a short deadline to sort herself out.

You can find further advice in my support pack Troubled Teenagers.


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