If you spot the Brussels sprout hanging on the Christmas tree in our new illusion, you might have a high IQ | The Sun

A TRICKY new challenge is sweeping the internet leaving puzzlers scratching their heads. 

Can you spot the Brussels sprout among the Christmas trees?

Online casino games website VSO designed the mindboggling brainteaser to get revelers in the festive spirit. 

The infuriating seek-and-find challenge has a random Brussels sprout strategically placed among the nicely decorated Christmas trees.

The chaotic array of baubles, tinsel, and sparkling stars distracts from the search for the vegetable. 

You likely have an above-average IQ if you can spot the Brussels sprout in less than nine seconds.

Set a timer to put your observation skills to the test.

Do you think you’ve already found the Brussels sprout among the Christmas trees?

The sprout blends in almost seamlessly with the trees' decorations of all different shapes and sizes. 

Many people have admitted they were stumped by the challenge and gave up searching after failing to beat the 9-second record.

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If you’re struggling to spot the vegetable try taking a closer look at the green items on the Christmas trees.

Here’s a hint: The Brussels sprout is smaller than the baubles.

Ready to check your answer?

If you still can’t spot the Brussels sprout among the Christmas trees scroll down for the solution.

The mind-bender comes after a festive brainteaser from UK-based money lender Little Loans.

Can you spot the lost £20 note hidden among the Christmas presents?

Among the chaotic scene are children ripping into gifts from Santa and disorientating patterns designed to play tricks on the mind.

Puzzlers have just 20 seconds to spot the money hiding in plain sight. 

Need a clue? 

Try looking closer at the purple-colored items on the floor as the cash has fallen to the ground.

Commenting on the brainteaser, personal finance expert at Little-Loans.com, Dan Whittaker said: “With the countdown to Christmas on, we wanted to celebrate by releasing this festive brainteaser. 

“Not only is the tricky puzzle a great way to test your friends and family, but it’s also an important reminder to be particularly mindful of your money this year.”

Are you ready for the answer?

Scroll down to the solution below to find out where the £20 note was located among the Christmas presents.

If those two seasonal challenges were too easy, try a third brainteaser that requires extreme focus to solve.

Gergely Dudás, who is also known as Dudolf, has built a reputation for designing the internet’s best optical illusions.

The Hungarian cartoonist took to Facebook, where he boasts over 168,000 followers, to share his latest artwork.

Can you spot four apples hidden among the fall leaves in under 10 seconds?

At first glance, there doesn’t seem to be any obvious pattern for how the leaves are scattered throughout the illustration.

Dudolf is skilled in using similar colors and varying shapes to stump even the most hawk-eyed challengers.

Many people have admitted they had to look at the brainteaser multiple times to solve it after accidentally thinking one of the leaves was an apple.

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Here’s a hint: Try focusing on the outer edges of the image first.

If you still can’t spot the four apples, scroll down for the solution below.

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